School Council

Our student council takes on the responsibility of representing the whole school body. They voice the needs and concerns of the student body to the management team. These may include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.

Members of the school council will then be responsible for taking the ideas that have been agreed and implementing them.

Our Head Boy and Head Girl are elected after making presentations to the whole school in a special assembly at the beginning of the school year. The presentations are always thoughtful and considerate and show how proud our students are of their school. Each year group also vote on who they would like to represent them on the school council.

We are very pleased to announce that the children below have been elected and wish them all the best for their roles this year:

Head Boy Ismail Yasin Patel
Deputy Head Boy Isa Khurshid
Head Girl Eliza Dalal
Deputy Head Girls Aaminah Shazad

Sawdah Khan

Year 1 – School Council Representatives

Muhammad Eesa Nadat

Khadeejah Shaik

Year 2 – School Council Representatives

Amaan Patel

Ayat Khalid

Year 3 – School Council Representatives

Muhammed Ibrahim Masood

Maliha Patel

Year 4 – School Council Representatives

Eesa Zaidi

Rumaysa Ali

Year 5 –  School Council Representatives

Khalid Nadat

Arfa Uzair

Year 6 – School Council Representatives

Yahya Yahya

Maryam Patel

Paradise Primary Playground Buddies

Our playground buddy scheme plays an important part in creating a safe, friendly, happy and peaceful atmosphere for children during lunchtimes and break time.

Who are they?

Two children from each year group are elected to take on the role of Playground Buddies (Please see list below). The buddies really enjoy their responsibilities, and not only do they make the playground a happy place for all the children, but also offer a great help to the staff on duty at break times

What is their role?

  • To help all children to learn how to play cooperatively with each other.
  • To help children resolve minor conflicts
  • Teach children to play a wider range of games.
  • Help lonely children make more friends
  • Most importantly, be available as a friend to all the other children.
  • How do we spot them?

Look out for their bright badges.

We are very pleased to announce that the children below have been elected and wish them all the best for their roles this year.

Year 1

Manha Dalal

Yahya Nadat

Year 2

Maliha Patel

Zakariyah Khurshid

Year 3

Khadijah Umerji

Yusuf Umerji

Year 4

Habiba Enany

Amin Dadibhai

Year 5

Aliza Ehtisham

Abdelrahman Elshafey

Year 6

Ruqayyah Vali

Muhammad Zain Patel