“That the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding across the school…”
“Senior leaders in Early years work closely with staff to ensure children get off to a flying start”.
“The leadership and management of the children’s learning and development is excellent”.
“The very effective curriculum designed by leaders ensures pupils make excellent progress overall, both in the main school and the early years unit.”
“Pupils show exceptional attitudes to learning”.
“The behaviour of pupils is outstanding”.
“Pupils make exceptional progress from their starting points”.
“During the inspection, many pupils readily spoke to the inspection team demonstrating confident and happy attitudes”.
“Teachers have very strong subject knowledge and an excellent understanding of the needs of pupils”.
“Staff have very high expectations of pupils and they work hard to ensure the needs of individual pupils are met”.
“Governors and trustees are committed to bringing about improvement to the school as fast as possible. They have started to put in place a system which should increase their role in monitoring the quality of safeguarding procedures”.
” Leaders closely monitor the quality of teaching and learning within the school. They very quickly evaluate individual teacher’s needs and ensure tailored support is put in place. As a result, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding across the school.”