Bake Sale
Bake Sale for Turkey & Syria Earthquake
Bake Sale for Turkey & Syria Earthquake
Boxing Training
Year 1's 'Balanceability' sessions
Year 3's History project
Year 6's 'Bikeability' sessions
Nursery Class 2 take a trip to Dewsbury Library.
A visit from West Yorkshire Fire Services! 🚒🚨
Commonwealth Games inspired event hosted by NKSSP.
The Reception Class theme was bedtime stories so the children came to school in their pyjamas.
A big thank You to the Year 9's from Rida Girls High School for performing their version of Snow White And The Seven Dwarves for World Book Day.
To celebrate World Maths Day, the school held a Mental Maths Contest with a series of buzzer rounds for all students.
Children in Reception had a great time at Rainbow Factory, Leeds.
Some of our Year 2&3 students took part in the foodstival hosted by Food Bank Dewsbury.
Year 5 visited Fired Art Design, Pontefract for their trip. The students learned the art of pottery and clay making.
For their trip to Ripon Museum, the Year 6 class visited the Courthouse and Prison & Police Museums.
As part of National Storytelling Week, some of our children went to Barnfield Care Home to read to the elderly residents.