PE Gymnastics
PE Gymnastics
Boxing Training
Commonwealth Games inspired event hosted by NKSSP.
Well done for your effort in the tournament
Taking part in a sports festival
Primary children took part in an indoor gym session
Learning skills for Cricket with other schools
Taking part in a friendly tri-golf match with other schools
Outdoor workout for National fitness Day
Assembly and Fitness Session
Primary Sports Day. Lots of activities for the children to take part in
A bright sunny day, the perfect weather for EY Sports Day at school
KS2 took part in various sport activities
Primary children took part in fitness sessions throughout the day
A very big Jazakallah and Thank You to all our dedicated and hardworking staff at Paradise Primary School. You are all very appreciated. May you be rewarded for all your efforts
The Yr6 children had a productive week with their Bikeability sessions, building their cycling skills, confidence and independent thinking.