Bake Sale
Bake Sale for Turkey & Syria Earthquake
Bake Sale for Turkey & Syria Earthquake
Neighbour appreciation in PSHCE
We called grandparents in to speak to the children about their life
We held a workshop for parents on E-Safety
Creating posters in Quraan Club
Fundraising with Ummah Welfare Trust
Nursery, Reception and Year 1 visited Dewsbury Library
Thank you to Yorkshire water for the online assembly
Nursery and Reception were visited by some Dentists from Batley Carr Dental Centre
Learning about Road Safety
Thank You to the Police Officers from West Yorkshire Police department for visiting our school
Nursery have been demonstrating acts of kindness and friendship in their setting
We are having Parent Workshops for parents to gain a better understanding of how and what is taught during lessons
Wearing odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week
150 Dojo Points means a reward. Well Done!!
The children were encouraged to participate in the Seerah competition